Mother Daughter Getaway
Mahaffey Camp 2024
You can make both. See examples below.
In keeping with the theme of this weekend, we have prepared two crafts. Both are made from every day ordinary stuff - even things found on the ground or discarded. How often do we feel we are just too ordinary for God's purposes. Or maybe this world has beat us up a bit and we feel worn and ready for the rag bag. Well sisters, it's just not true! God's greatness is on display when He makes something spectacular out of us and our weaknesses.
We are going to use a bunch of rocks collected from the camp grounds, some glass from broken kitchen wares, and a pile of worn out old denim, and we are going to make some beautiful things. It is our prayer that while you are creating your crafts, you hear the whisper of your Creator nudging you toward the masterpiece He has planned to create out of you.
Lou & Molly Fister
Rocks from camp, before and after tumbling
Glass from kitchen, before and after tumbling
Scrap Denim given to Nancy Depp
Rocks from camp, before and after tumbling
Collect the elements for your design.
If you want a retreat tag for your piece, cut out the color of your choice.
Voila! You did it.
Collect the elements for your design.
Craft 2
Here are the steps for this craft. Let's all wear our earrings in a group picture!
Cut out template
Cut to small or medium if you choose
Assemble. Voila!
Cut out template